We are always asked by candidates “What can I do to prepare for the interview?” We provide the candidates with all of the tools to be successful at the interview with information on the club, the search process, how to dress, etc. There is, however, sometimes another aspect of the interview process that gets overlooked. The candidates that are invited by a Search Committee to come to a club to interview are all, in our estimation, qualified to do the job and should consider themselves the final candidate. That being said the interview is not a ‘tire kicking’ opportunity. Candidates should have sincerely discussed their career objectives and the consequences of being selected as the final candidate with their spouse, families, etc., and be prepared for the possibility of being selected. Securing, in advance of an interview, their full support in making the transition to a new club, and most times a new location, is one of the most important aspects of the process. It’s not fair to our clients when someone ‘kicks the tires’ and hasn’t made a sincere attempt to ensure that, if selected, they have the full support of their families, surprising us and the club by suggesting that they then have to have this “family” conversation. There are other things for candidates to keep in mind as well:

  • When making your travel arrangements, do so with the host club’s financial interests at heart since they will be reimbursing you, i.e., no first class airline tickets, making arrangements as much in advance as possible to take advantage of advance fares, etc.
  • Be candid with your search director (Dick or Kurt) regarding any other opportunities that you are considering simultaneous with the one you’re in. Our firm doesn’t ‘own’ you during a search, but all of this work is based on ‘trust’. We need to understand other impacts on the process, which at times include a candidate’s interest in another position not being served by our firm. Knowing those situations in advance has actually been advantageous for candidates, and certainly has never caused someone to be excluded from an invitation to interview.

If you have questions about anything, just ask us! Here’s wishing you a safe and Happy Holiday season! – NF

Nan Fisher Nan has worked with Dick Kopplin for over 10 years. She is the Administrative Manager at Kopplin and Kuebler. E-mail your “Ask Nan” questions to: nan@kkandw.com