We have received many e-mails from aspiring young club professionals and students applying for our senior club management positions, primarily the General Manager/COO opportunities. While we welcome their correspondence and enthusiasm, it is tough, if not impossible, to parachute right into the top position of a club. Experience and success at every operational aspect of a club are the keys for a club professional to become the Chief Executive.
So I thought a little career guidance was in order. The best way to approach a career in Club Management would be to ‘get your foot in the door’ so to speak at a Club and work your way through all of the departments. There are many committed Club General Managers/COO’s that have instituted internships at their club’s for the expressed interest of grooming the next generation of top club executives.
The next question is: “How do I find out about these opportunities?” Your very best resource would be the Club Manager’s Association of America (CMAA). Consider joining a local CMAA Student Chapter or Regional CMAA chapter to enhance your knowledge and networking. CMAA’s web site has a Career section that lists current MMCO (Mid Management Career Opportunities) and Internships available at Clubs across the country. You do not need to be a member of CMAA to view these position posts.
CMAA has provided an outstanding brochure for those considering a club management career “Club Management, A Path to a Rewarding Future,” that should answer just about any of your questions. You can find it on our web site by clicking here.
We have included all of these links on our web site. Just click here.
Hopefully this will be helpful to you and if you have any questions please just Ask Nan!
Nan Fisher
Nan has worked with Dick Kopplin for over 10 years. She is the Administrative Manager at Kopplin and Kuebler. E-mail your “Ask Nan” questions to:nan@kkandw.com