In Celebration of Twenty Years
Our firm reached an exciting milestone in April of this year; twenty years of serving the private club industry with our search and consulting services. To all of our clients, our candidates, our friends and associates, it has been an honor to work alongside of you in this wonderful private club world for all of these years.
Twenty years ago, the internet and specifically e-mailing was a nascent technology that many cautiously embraced (including myself) not knowing if it was a passing fad or the future of business. I still have my doubts as to the quality and effectiveness of reacting to “instant email messages” when often a measured and timely response would allow for more thoughtful communication.
However, living with the ubiquitous technology has become the way of all business, including the most staid and traditional private clubs. As part of this amazing technology driven era we are excited to launch our new web site which will be ready for viewing in the near future. We look forward to sharing the next twenty years, or more, with all of you in this emerging new private club world.
Richard M. Kopplin
Dick Kopplin is a Partner of Kopplin & Kuebler, LLC, The Most Trusted Names in Private Club Executive Placement.