Tim has been a Golf Course Manager since 1976. He is currently the Director of Agronomy at The Old Collier Golf Club and Senior Agronomist and Vice President for Turf Dynamics, LLC. His accomplishments include assisting Collier’s Reserve Country Club to become the first Audubon International Cooperative Signature Sanctuary Golf Course. In 2000 Tim joined The Old Collier Golf Club and led the effort to achieve the designation of first Audubon International Gold Signature Cooperative Sanctuary. This project was the first in the continental United States to use the newer variety of Paspalum grass on the entire golf course and the first in the world to irrigate solely with brackish water. Tim has been a speaker at numerous GCSAA, PGA, and CMAA conferences and workshops. He is an experienced golf course consultant for the private club and resort industry as well as a lecturer for numerous college agronomy programs. Tim has also served as President of the Florida Golf Course Superintendents Association and is currently on the Board of Directors of the Florida Turfgrass Association.

During his career Tim has been recognized for his accomplishments with the following awards:

  • Florida Golf Course Superintendents Assoc. Distinguished Service Award – 1986
  • Southeastern Environmental Steward Award – 1993
  • 1994 Recipient of the first John James Audubon Environmental Steward Award
  • 1994 National Environmental Steward Award recipient for GCSAA
  • 1995 GCSAA President’s Environmental Leadership Award
  • 1998 Florida Turf Grass Association Wreath of Grass Award
  • Recipient of the 2009 GCSAA Excellence in Government Relations Award